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Sasseginaga Outpost
2 Chemin du lac Sasseginaga, Temiscaming, Quebec J0Z 3R0 Canada
email us at: ~ call or text (937) 408-1359

Makeover at cabin #6 with new appliances, new cupboards, lighting, paint and added screened door

New dock at cabin #7
New docks in transit
Another 32' added to cabin #6's dock ~totaling 128 feet!!
New stairs at cabin #7
New dock at cabin #4

New approach at the main dock

New main dock
Lighting 24/7 w/o the need of a generator

New dock at cabin #5

New refrigerator, stove, couch
and table at cabin #5

4 new Yamaha 15hp outboards with electric start added
Newly painted boats

Semi-portable stairs to assist guests in and out of boats

Stumps and roots removed at #6 for safer passage

New roof on Cabin #7

New bridge to cabin 4

New refrigerator and stove at cabin #7

New tables at cabins #5, #6 & #7

New futon couches at cabins #5, #6 & #7
On-demand water heaters at all cabins

New lounging chairs at cabin #6

New electric refrigerator at cabin #4
New electric refrigerator at cabin #1
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